Stjärnformad julgransdekoration i skiffer med snöre.
Antal | 1 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 |
Pris/st | 15,90 | 15,30 | 14,75 | 14,20 | 13,90 | 13,60 | 13,35 |
Dimensioner | 9.5X9.5X0.4CM |
Vikt | 0.063 KG |
Material | Item with multi-materials |
EAN | 9505 1090 |
Ursprung | CN |
Price information | All prices are SEK exkl. moms. Printing cost requires a print-ready original. |
Nuvarande |
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What | Quantity | Price/st | Total |
{description} | {quantity} | {price_pcs} | {price_total} |
TOTAL | {total} |